Hello Sunrise Rim
Neighborhood of Boise City, Idaho

Sunrise Rim

The neighborhood of Sunrise Rim is part of the city of Boise City, Idaho, which is located in the Boise City metropolitan area.

Sunrise Rim, part of the Boise City metropolitan area, offers a car-friendly environment with easy parking and quick access to the highway. Residents can find supermarkets and restaurants within walking distance, and enjoy the charm of single detached homes, with most being two or three bedrooms. Noise from traffic during rush hour is a minor trade-off for the convenience and character of the neighborhood. With a few close by green spaces, residents can relax and unwind. Though not ideal for public transit or walking, Sunrise Rim has a strong sense of community and a high percentage of homeowners, making it a desirable location for those seeking a relaxed, suburban feel.

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