Hello Parker Essex Boaz
Neighborhood of Fort Worth, Texas

Parker Essex Boaz

The neighborhood of Parker Essex Boaz is part of the city of Fort Worth, Texas, which is situated in the Dallas-Fort Worth-Arlington metropolitan area.

Parker Essex Boaz is a peaceful neighborhood in Fort Worth, Texas, offering a convenient location within the greater Dallas-Fort Worth-Arlington metropolitan area. With quick access to the Martin Luther King Freeway and nearby bus lines, residents will find it easy to get around. Families will appreciate the proximity of primary and high schools, as well as the convenience of nearby grocery stores. The neighborhood boasts a relaxed, slow-paced atmosphere with plenty of green spaces like Sycamore Park to enjoy. Housing options primarily consist of single detached homes, with a mix of three bedroom and two bedroom properties, making it an ideal place for those looking for a peaceful and family-friendly community.

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