Hello Graymoor-Devondale
Neighborhood of Graymoor-Devondale, Kentucky


The neighborhood of Graymoor-Devondale can be found in the city of Graymoor-Devondale, Kentucky, which is situated in the Louisville/Jefferson County metropolitan area.

- Graymoor-Devondale is a quiet and peaceful neighborhood in the Louisville/Jefferson County metropolitan area of Kentucky, perfect for those seeking a serene atmosphere. The majority of housing consists of single detached homes, with plenty of space and character. Access to schools is easy on foot, making it convenient for families with children. While a vehicle is generally needed for shopping and dining, the neighborhood is located close to major highways for easy access to the city. The area is surrounded by green spaces, offering a welcome escape from the hustle and bustle of urban life. Overall, Graymoor-Devondale is a charming and idyllic place to call home.


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