Hello Viley Rd. / Versailles Rd.
Neighborhood of Lexington-Fayette, Kentucky

Viley Rd. / Versailles Rd.

Situated in the Lexington-Fayette metropolitan area, Viley Rd. / Versailles Rd. is a neighborhood within Lexington-Fayette, Kentucky.

Viley Rd. / Versailles Rd. is a peaceful and calm neighborhood in the Lexington-Fayette metropolitan area of Kentucky. The area is easily accessible by car with convenient parking options, and a grocery store is within walking distance. The neighborhood is known for its single detached homes and large apartment buildings, making it an ideal place for those seeking a variety of housing options. Additionally, the area is quiet with low levels of traffic noise, creating a serene environment for residents. While it may not have schools or parks, Viley Rd. / Versailles Rd. is close to neighboring areas that offer these amenities for residents to enjoy.

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