Hello Pimlico
Neighborhood of Baltimore, Maryland


The neighborhood of Pimlico can be found in the city of Baltimore, Maryland, which is located in the Baltimore-Columbia-Towson metropolitan area.

Pimlico, located in Baltimore, Maryland, offers a convenient and peaceful living environment for residents. With good public transit options and a well-connected bicycling infrastructure, getting around is easy. The neighborhood is also home to nearby primary schools and essential amenities such as supermarkets, restaurants, and clothing stores. Pimlico has a slower-paced atmosphere, perfect for those who enjoy spending time outdoors, and offers a tranquil and quiet living experience. The housing options in this area include a mix of single detached homes and townhouses, with a majority of two and three bedroom units. Overall, Pimlico is a desirable neighborhood for those seeking a convenient, peaceful, and well-connected living environment in Baltimore.

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