Hello Oak Ridge Estates
Neighborhood of Mesquite, Texas

Oak Ridge Estates

The neighborhood of Oak Ridge Estates can be found in the city of Mesquite, Texas, which is located in the Dallas-Fort Worth-Arlington metropolitan area.

Oak Ridge Estates is a peaceful and charming neighborhood in Mesquite, Texas, nestled in the Dallas-Fort Worth-Arlington metropolitan area. The area offers easy accessibility by car, with homes for sale being a short drive from the nearest highway and a convenient parking situation. Residents will enjoy the proximity to primary schools and a nearby supermarket while also being able to access public green spaces in neighboring areas. The neighborhood's character is defined by its calm ambiance, and it mainly consists of single detached homes built in the 1970s. With a majority of homes being owner-occupied, Oak Ridge Estates is an excellent place to establish roots and enjoy a relaxed lifestyle.

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