Hello McKinney East Estates
Neighborhood of McKinney, Texas

McKinney East Estates

The neighborhood of McKinney East Estates is part of the city of McKinney, Texas, which is located in the Dallas-Fort Worth-Arlington metropolitan area.

McKinney East Estates in McKinney, Texas offers a tranquil and peaceful atmosphere for residents. The neighborhood is easily accessible by car and has ample parking options. It's an ideal location for families, with primary schools just a short walk away and grocery stores conveniently close by. The predominant housing type is single detached homes, with a mix of two and three bedroom properties, catering to a variety of household sizes. The area has a mix of homeowners and renters, and a range of property styles, including some historic homes. McKinney East Estates is an attractive and comfortable neighborhood for those seeking a serene and family-friendly community.

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